
Lot 111 Whitelakes Drive, Dumbarton WA 6566

36.45 ac


Lot 111 Whitelakes Drive, Dumbarton WA 6566

36.45 ac

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Exceptional Toodyay Land with So Many Benefits ... Wonderful Opportunities

Take a look at these fabulous unspoilt natural country blocks, they’re yours to choose from 16.58 acres for $249k, in a wide selection of sizes and types right up to 82 acres at $495k ...

Many have superb sweeping far reaching countryside views of over 180° and all are set In the very exclusive Walkey Heights Estate

There’s currently 15 blocks to select from with varying levels and vegetation, with abundant native plants, trees, lots of flora, fauna, birds and wildlife ...

You’ve really discovered the best land to build your tranquil wonderful country home, or just to invest in land for the future, in one of the best places to do so in WA

Choose from a relatively level and open block or one with sloping terrain, with or without lots of trees ... All have underground power and bitumen frontage

Many are believed to have water accessible via a bore, or you can do what most people in Toodyay do which is to collect rainwater for free

Some blocks have Avon River frontage, The Walkey Heights estate in Toodyay is certainly not flat boring open wheatbelt terrain miles from anywhere, it’s very pretty and has beautiful hills and valleys set around the River Avon

The countryside here certainly shows why it was the first choice of many folk in the early settler days

Remarkably, you’ll be living only five minutes from the Toodyay town centre, with its vibrant community, shops, restaurants and lovely people

Only a 45 minutes cruise to Midland or take the train, so you’re not isolated from Perth

We’ve shown a selection of what’s available on the menu here, however, it’s way better to come along and see the Walkey Estate with us to really appreciate and see the value of what’s on offer here

Call me, Greg 0407 124 175, to discuss your options and arrange a visit to have a good look around so you can secure the spot which is best for you and your family’s future

All Enquiries Welcome, including all yours, large or small, we are at your service


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