
Lot 955 Balfour Street, Southern River WA 6110

350 m²


Lot 955 Balfour Street, Southern River WA 6110

350 m²

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350 sqm of prime level land for $270,000 – Titles April 2023

Build you're your home on this fantastic block locate very close playing fields.

This block is new to market, it is great opportunity for buyers with limited budgets to buy in the exclusive estate of Sevenoaks.

The Sevenoaks Private Estate, amenities in the area include Bletchley Park Primary School, Bletchley Park Lake, Bletchley Park parklands, Southern River Shopping Centre, The Vale Shopping Centre, Aldi Shopping, Restaurants and Cafes.

For more information on this incredible opportunity, please contact Paul Liveris on 0405 347 958 or email [email protected]


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